Saturday, September 08, 2007


Addendum from Shirley…


My only comment, she is no wimp!!!  Really enjoyed having her along…


What an amazing trip around the Georgian Bay.  The sailing Gods were definitely with us for this one.  A total of 11 days onboard, 5 nights at harbors, 5 nights at anchorages, and never missing a day waiting for bad weather to clear.  This is unheard of.  Last year I spent more time on land than I did on the water.  We had winds from the right direction at the right time and no winds for our crossing across the southern part of the bay when we were in open waters.  And today, there are gale force wind warnings.  If we had been a day behind, we would be sitting out this weather at Rattlesnake Anchorage.  Truth be told, I am sometimes a wimp when it comes to sailing.  I love the water but strong winds, big waves and the boat heeling over make me nervous.  I get more comfortable through time.  Doubt I will ever reach the calmness that Paul has about it, but I gain more confidence with each trip.  This trip was a definite confidence booster. 


Paul, a.k.a. Columbus, feels right at home sailing.  Nothing fazes him.  He has learned a lot about sailing from when we first started in the Florida Keys.  It amazes me how busy he constantly is; charting, miscellaneous boat projects, and now his Albion journal.  And now I turn things over to Bill.  We will be picking him up at the Sudbury airport on Sunday.  Hopefully the winds will shift and they will have Northerlies for the rest of their Lake Huron journey.  Bill has sailed with Paul every year.  I think he has the distinction of being on the last trip of the season every year.  And now, time to catch up on the US Open for me.