Monday September 24th
We departed the Grand Bend beaches at 7:30AM amongst clear skies and calm seas. However there was a breeze in the air that told something was coming. A small craft warning had been issued, 25 knot winds, waves to 2 meters by evening. But we were sailing SW along the southern shore and could hug the coast and minimize the fetch. A southern blow was perfect. We reefed the main on departure; an act of preparedness, rather then necessity. One of those many things we have learned..
What a wonderful day to end the trip. We skipped along at near 6 knots close hauled, T-shirt and shorts, sunny and the mid 80's, right into the St Clair River. As we completed the full circle and sped down the St Clair at record speeds of 9.5 knots (currents!) the bands were playing in my head. Canada to the East, the USA to the west, as we passed under the bridge span. It has been a wonderful season. I am thankful and grateful for it. Our minds now move on to Superior, the fifth and last Great Lake; much work and planning to do over the winter. If you care to join us, let me know. I enjoy showing sailing to new comers.
This concludes travels with Albion for 2007. You may hear from Bill, I'll see if he can write an addendum. Enjoy your winter, till next season
Capt Paul
SV Albion
Port Huron, MI