Monday, September 17, 2007

Travels of Albion - Sunday

Sunday  September 16th


We had a quiet night and departed our rusty dock wearing gloves, stocking cap, and all available layers.  Cool air, sunny skies and the hope of a warm day.  Winds out of the west, and the feeling of winter on our faces as we beat out of the choppy harbor directly into the wind.  With each splash of the waves you watch carefully hoping this spray is not for you. 


After working our way around the shoals and shallow bottom for 4 miles we made a big left turn heading South.   The waves were around 3 feet on our beam but the wind shifted to the southwest giving us a double reef close hauled bouncy ride.  It was one of those days where you need to maneuver around the boat on all fours or you get thrown someplace.  We never removed the layers today, the winds just keep blowing cold air.  In a small vessel you feel the raw conditions at times a bit too much for comfort.  We were in control but feeling the full effects of the conditions. 


So coming into Port this afternoon felt great, very pretty harbor, nice hot shower to warm us up.  The waters are clear blue like the Caribbean, large sandy beach.    Port Elgin is noted by National Geographic as having the best sunsets in the nation.  It was in full display tonight and indeed the best I have ever seen.  This huge ball of sun on the horizon over the blue water as we just watched it slowly move down and disappear.   .  The moon is back, a small sliver in the Southern Sky.


Four sailing days to Port Huron, completing the lake is in sight.  And with the cooler air, it tis the tail of the season..