Saturday, June 28, 2008

Travel with Albion - Friday 6/27/2008

No sailing, the windless weather persists.  Superior is putting on a good act for us. Calm, smooth, and very innocent.  The lake is cover with some sort of yellow particles.  Looks like a form of vegetation. We first thought it was seedlings from trees. We have attempted to no avail to catch some of it in our bucket. No one we have asked seems to know what this mystery substance is?


We arrived at Madeline Island (one of 22) on the Apostles mid afternoon. The Frenchmen who discovered these Apostles couldn't count. He thought there were 12.  We are now in Wisconsin, central time zone. 


Hopefully we will find a wireless connection and can send out a few logs.   Superior wins the most bugs award!   The battle of the bugs is keeping us limber.


We need some winds!!! For sailing and bugs.  Paul…