We headed out around 8 with a small craft advisor in effect for late morning. Winds from the NW but shifting to a 20+ NE blow this afternoon. We have a huge fetch to the NE so we hoped to be in the Keweenaw waterway by
Into the wind we came around Point Abbaye and across
By a stroke of luck
The journey has ended as has this blog. But to every ending there is a new beginning. Mark Twain said, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from your safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover". The gravity of home takes an abundance of fuel to escape. But the awards abound.
We will continue to sail because our love of sailing has grown much deeper. Our confidence and ease at the helm has grown. The next journey will be off the beaten path. It will have a clear vision as circumnavigating the
Thanks to Shirley for all her wonderful support. Thanks to all the crew that I so much enjoyed sharing this journey. Thanks to all those wonderful locals (that I also so much enjoy) along our journey that helped us out. Thanks to God for creating such wonderful places and providing and giving us such a wonderful opportunity to enjoy them. My greatest hope with this blog is that it has given some inspiration for each of you to enjoy a journey of your own. Until the start of our next Journey Paul..