Friday, August 15, 2008

Travel with Albion 8/14

We are back to civilization and had a nice breakfast this morning at the Sportsmen before  heading out around 9.  A bouncy night at our Seawall last night. The weather picked up with winds and waves from the NE and we were rather unprotected in that direction.  It wakes you up but then after a while you get used to it and sleep better then ever.


We had one of those wonderful sailing days today. Heading SW Wing to Wing with a NE blow and following waves 2'3 feet.  The motor off and tilted up most of the day as we skipped along at 5.5-6.0 knots.


Clear blue skies, the Sable light house forward, huge (900 feet) Golden Sand dunes off the port side, sails flying.  Mornings don't come much better. 


I have so much enjoyed the variety of Superior.  Days and days of nothing but rocky sea shores, trees, sand dunes, Islands, rushing rivers, crystal clear waters, cold cold cold, warm sunshine, Rain, wind, heavy seas, totally calm, loons, ducks, birds, small towns, great crew, fishermen, fellow boaters.  All of this leaves you completely one with the present. 


The Boaters up here are more adventurous then the other Great Lakes.  Perhaps Superior requires it.   They travel more and we strike up more conversations with fellow boaters.  There is a neutralizing effect at a North Shore marina. We are all here for the same reasons; there are no walls or barriers.  Laughing comes so easy that you can't help but notice.


We passed picture rocks on the port side. These are rocky cliffs on shore that are colorful from the mineral content.  A number of touring boats out of Munising were out.


We arrived in Munising early, 3:30….Back to taking that evening shower, dinner in town, and walking around  town.  Northern Harbor towns always seem to have a certain quaintness and rhythm.  Four days away from completing the Great Lakes


The moon is bright and getting fuller!


